I recently received a customer complaint from someone who was of a particular ethnic group who felt insulted because one of my staff had assumed that because this person happened to be standing beside someone of the same ethnic group in the serving queue, that they were both together. The customer is complaining that they felt stereotyped and was offended.
The staff member concerned did not intend any offence, it was a genuine error.
I want to be fair to this person with the complaint, but feel that they are being over sensitive. In the past, I have had people assuming that I am with a particular person because we happen to be standing next to each other in a queue, but have never taken offence, it is just a mistake and it happens!
What do others think? Is this person right to be offended or do you think they are over reacting?
Ridiculous. The way to tell- is what the cashier actually said. If she did not mention colour or race, then the customer is making assumptions that everyone else stereotypes people by race. Sue the customer ;-)
Thanks all for the further comments, yes it does seem ridiculous, the customer has jumped to a conclusion that the staff member thought they were together because the were both of the same ethnic group.
I have given a sensitive response to the customer and pointed out that this store serves a lot of groups, the assumption was made on that basis and not on ethnic grounds. I will not be offering any freebies or compo, but it has not been asked for!
Many thanks once again.