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Psybbo | 20:49 Thu 12th Jun 2014 | Body & Soul
30 Answers
What is oral chemo? Thank you.


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I took Methotrexate for 15 years for an autoimmune illness called Sarcoidosis. I know it was a very potent drug as I had to have regular monitoring. I seemed to remember they told me it was also used for leukemia sufferers.
I don`t know anything about the drug but chemo knocks out the immune system so I suppose that is why it is prescribed for arthritis. My cousin`s husband developed lupus and he had it really bad. It settled in his heart (and he was only about 40 years of age) The powers that be in a London hospital prescribed him chemo as a last resort to see if they could stop his immune system attacking his own body (it didn`t work).
Yes Ann you are right methotrexate is a chemo drug. I have them for rheumatoid but are used in cancers but a lot higher a dose.
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I wasn't told that when I was put on them.
Yes it is Methyl - as per my post at 21.14
Whoops - I meant 23.14
Good morning Psybbo, I cannot add anything useful to the informative post and "links" as mentioned above.
I've had methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis, remember one of the nurses saying it's a tiny amount compared to that used in chemotherapy but when you look in to how it works it makes a lot of sense. I'm on and off it though between infections and raised liver enzymes.

I know a couple of people who are on oral chemotherapy.
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Thank you all for you replies, I understand it better now.

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