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fairy! | 17:58 Tue 23rd Aug 2005 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
My friend and I both had psychic readings last year.

So far 99% of what the lady said about my friend has come true, yet she was way off about me� descriptions of me, family, my life, my future so far...

She can't be fake coz my friends reading was so accurate, so am I just unreadable??

I'd really appreciate helpful answers, rather than opinions on what a load of rubbish it all is!

Thanks v much x


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Some people are more succeptable to readings as they have psychic leanings themselves.

I have had so many accurate readings - not just guess work like you are going on holiday this year but names etc which no-one else could possibly known.

I recently had a reading and the psychic said to me that when she saw me I had a purple aura surrounding me and no-one else did.She then gave me a very accurate reading and told me I had psychic qualities - which I myself was aware of.Ask your friend if she has deja vu and extremely vivid dreams.

On a bit of a sad note-I had an extremely disturbing dream last night when someone died with the same name as my dad.I was so distraught and woke up really distressed.My mother phoned at 9am to tell me my cousins wee boy died suddenly last night at the age of 10 - same name as my dad.Make what you want out of that.

sometimes the timing in readings can be way off..i remember telling someone once that something would happen in the did two years later...when i worked for one of the leading newspaper groups doing readings we were not allowed to give times of things perhaps some of your reading will still happen..also it is true that some are easier to read for than others..i allways found men to be difficult as they had a impress me attitude..which put a block up...occasionally a man would be into it and it would be okay...i had a reading years ago at a psychic show that was cost me �40  this was a lot then and the man was supposed to be wonderfull with loads of reccomendations..even letters after his name..i still have the tape he gave me and it was a big load of rubbish..nothing came true..he even predicted i would win the lottery when the roses were in hasnt happend..just take it lightly and maybe if you get a reading again just relax and hope its better..
Recently went to a Derek Acorah (T.V`s most haunted), His readings on the night were spectacular, I am the worlds biggest sceptic, and was always on the lookout for stooges, but I am convinced totally that none were as friends of ours were chosen and everything stated was 100% correct. So if someone can look back with such accuracy then why not forward. 

Don't panic. I have been seeing a very accurate tarot card reader every January for the last four years. In Jan 2004, she said I would have a new job and buy a new house by June 2004.

All this happened - but by June 2005! Her timing was off, that was all. She also said I would get a cheque for �900 out of the blue- this July, I received a cheque for �893 for a tax rebate-  completly unexpectedly.

She has also predicted I will work in television - which hasn't happened yet.

I get her to tape each session we have, and put a date on the cassette label. Every so often, I dig out the old tapes and find out that things predicted three years ago.

i actually predicted fairy would post this topic onTue 23/08/05 16:58
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Thanks for all your replies!

It's not really that I'm thinkin the stuff she predicted won't come true, well I guess in a way it is, but my question is more how could she get my friend so right, yet me so wrong?  You know how they sit there & say something & you're like oh oh yes!!  Well, I didn't get any of that... she described members of my family, their names, their jobs, what they're like as people etc etc & it was all so way off...

Can some people just not be read?  Or was it just that I wasn't readable that day?  & if she couldn't read me was she just making it up?  Or if not, where was she getting all this wrong info from??

Sometimes you can sense things about people really easily somehow, and yet with other people come up against a blank. I used to do a lot of readings, and always found some people easier to read than others. I never knew why. I just assumed that they were not 'open to me' at that time; nothing against either of us personally, just one of those things. When it happened I just fell back on a lot of platitudes and general stuff; probably they subsequently experienced a similar sense of disappoinment to yours, fairy! Better luck next time.
I had a weird experience once that I sill can�t understand I answered the door a few years back while I lived at my old house. There was a Gypsy Lady stood there and before I could say anything she told me that I had just bought a bungalow which I had, them carried on telling me that someone in my family was going through a divorce which there was, them said not to worry about him as he will be alright. And everything as gone alright for him since Then told me that I was going to be left a lot of money from someone that lives in the Lake District, I don�t know anyone who lives there but three out of four isn�t bad IF she did any research on me before hand she went to a lot of trouble to sell a bit of lace

 I just wish she had been wrong about the divorce and right about the money  

Well then. I'm not a sceptic, and I'm the VERY black sheep of a Methodist family who think all this stuff is "evil" in some way. I personally have no such views. I would be delighted to believe in the veracity of "readings" and the like, but have never plucked up the courage (or indeed the cash!) to go to a medium type person. Maybe it's the biblical background, or the Macbeth quote - "The instruments of darkness tells us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray us in dire consequence".

Now, in all my days of scoffing buffets, i've never met a dishonest trifle, but you get where i'm coming from... i can't detach from the whole christian fear of mystics thing.

can anyone suggest a remedy ? i must admit, i would love to have that spine tingling feeling...

I've had two psychic readings and both of them have turned out to be rubbish.  The first one told me that my dad would die and the first signs of it would be dad came up to see me the next day and complained of a headache.....I burst into tears!!  Luckily though, his headache was due to too much alcohol the night before.  I just think they are full of cr*p myself...yet to find a good one.

Butter1 - Hi again!!

A professional psychic should never say things like that even if they have read it.

I all my years of readings I have never been given news of impending bad news although 99% have been accurate about people I have lost - names the lot.My mind is open to it so I am maybe easier to read..Glad about your dad tho - bet u got a fright - nasty!

Yes, I know a Reader, her name is Meryem. She started psychic reading when she was 5 years old. So, you can ask her any question whatever you want to know about your future.

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