emmie, I know how you are feeling, you have got to stick to your guns and keep telling the docs how you are until someone takes notice.
I spent three years backwardsand forwards, so ill, blood in the loo when I went, terrible pains that made me pass out on occasions,
I was fobbed off all the time with, you've prob got piles, it must be IBS etc , etc. One Doctor even told me that I didn't seem that ill and was exagerating my symptoms.
I wasn't taken serious until I took photos of what I was passing, Stools, blood etc and showed them to the doctor,
finally someone believed me, a couple of weeks later I was in hospital, diagnosed with Crohns,
Two ops and a hell of a lot of drugs later, i am finally living a much more normal life, it will never go away but at least it is controlled most of the time.
Don't let them talk you down, you know yourself that you are not right, keep telling them, ask for another opinion , or another doctor,
Good Luck hon. X X