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Obiter | 22:21 Fri 22nd Aug 2014 | Body & Soul
40 Answers
Due to my overindulgence in certain beverages I have just discovered that instead of taking my night time dose of vitamins I have inadvertently swallowed a double dose of laxative. What is my next move?
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Bottom to white queen 1
well it's not Imodium .
Question Author
I like Zac's response! Reminds me of my student days when the porcelain was referred to as "the big white telephone"
Don't go for a long drive!
long drive............best not to even go for a long walk !
Your 'vitamins' wouldn't be blue and diamond shaped by any chance would they?
Tuck your pants in your socks
Question Author
Certainly not! I am reliably informed that such medication is only prescribed for those suffering from erectile dysfunction, whatever that is.

Well, it's not a hard one.
Bowel move-ment?
Put some wellies on.
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How do you know? Have you been peeking?
Find your cycle clips.
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"Find your cycle clips."
All very well and good, but don't I have to buy a bike first?
Enjoy yourself, fill your boots
Maybe have something high in fibre like weetabix or oats to stiffen the stool.

What are the bran of your laxatives and vitamins as I've never seen laxatives that look like vitamins before or is it just me?
I think they were 'vitamins' Henrietta...
LOL '' what are the bran of you're laxatives ''
Question Author
No, it's just me. Picked up the wrong bottle and swallowed without looking. Never mind, it will concentrate my mind for the next few hours!

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