Could be Bathsheba. The mecical people in this country don`t seem too bothered about low blood pressure unless it causes symptoms. It depends what henry is referring to.
Well, he may be talking based on average figures........but I doubt it.
It is a very common phrase in medical circles and really means that he is undecided whether to treat your blood pressure with drugs or just " monitor the situation."
I agree with 237SJ............unless a low BP is due to drug therapy, then a low BP is no big deal.
treating means a pill a day and a label (I've got high blood pressure you know ) and he doesnt want to go down that road yet
I dont think it is a big deal - it is difficult to show that borderline high blood pressure damages long term health, whereas long term therapy is a pain in the ass quite honestly
It means what it says - it's border-line. Relax, there is a long way between that and HBP. If I were given that knowledge I would cut down on the salt and instigate more of the usual advice, such as walking and see how I could incorporate them into my life. I wouldn't worry. Worry causes stress. Stress=higher blood pressure.