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Early period caused by stress?

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bexbex78 | 17:42 Wed 31st Aug 2005 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
I am a little concerned...I usually get my period around the 10th of every month (I am not on the pill, and haven't been for about 2 years) and have just descovered that I have my period 10 days early! It's also unusually heavy. I know stress can make your period late, but can it make it very early?


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I know when I have been stressed or even slightly under the weather my periods have been early, sometimes so early they have only been a couple of weeks apart,  I wasnt on the pill either, but when your body is not quite right I am sure that if I had of been  on the pill it  wouldnt have made that much difference.  I would advise you to let your body come to terms with things on its own, they are amazing things (bodies not periods) and I reckon you will be back to norm in no time.

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Thanks for your answer. I am starting a new job tomorrow so I am sure my body & mind doesn't know what's going on at the moment!

Yes, stress can just screw up your cycle big time! I once came on early and stayed on for 32 days (fun month that was!) due to severe stree.
Should read 'stress' not stree!

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Early period caused by stress?

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