Human physiology in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Human physiology

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Scylax | 12:36 Fri 02nd Sep 2005 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
Is the pain of childbirth cortical or thalamic ?  If the latter, how does it rate (approx.) with other hollow-viscera pain eg. renal/biliary colic ?
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Um, I might need to know what both cortical and thalamic mean before I attempt to answer this question. It might help if I'd had a child, too...
I don't know what name you put to it (I'm not sure what either of these mean) but its painfull but rewarding and soon forgotten until the next time.
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I am sorry; the Q. was not frivolous, nor intended for the man- (woman)- in- the- street.  Pain-receptors are in various locations in the brain, depending upon their origin. I am grateful for the responses, but I should perhaps have entered the Q. under the heading of 'science', since only a Physiologist will have any notion of the complexity involved.  Sorry, folks, mia culpa......

I would just do a quick google if I were you as there is tons of information on this subject.

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