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Poorly Boy Cant Get A Gp Appointment

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jd_1984 | 08:58 Mon 05th Jan 2015 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
Little man been throwing up for over 24 hours, temperature and I worry he is now dehydrated. My OH has called the surgery 116 times between 8.30am and 8.55am, at which time she was told no appointments. If it is an "emergency" call back at 1pm, perhaps the GP can see him at the end of the day.
Poor little guy, feel a bit helpless.


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Two options:

a) if there is a walk-in health centre near you take him there

b) ring the surgery again and ask for a home visit.
my daughter had this trouble on friday with her son couldn't get a doctor so she asked to see practice nurse who saw him and went an got a doctor ,he had a nasty ear infection high temperature and sore throat .
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He has had spells of vomiting about 4 times in as many months now. Last for about 24 hours and he becomes dehydrated. He looks really underweight afterwards. We want to discuss with our GP if possible due to frequency of these vomiting spells.
Having spoken to other parents, it seems excessive. Kids are of course going to pick up bugs but we worry maybe there is something else going on, allergy perhaps? Not sure
hope the little chap feels better soon xx
You don't say how old he is, so i will gather that he is a toddler.
At the moment no big deal....give him fluids and or electrolyte replacement (Paediolyte or similar.)

dehydration: pinch his skin on his stomach and if it drops backn into place, then he isn't dehydrated. Sunken eyes and darkish urine is also a sign of dehydration.

It is probably viral and should settle today.
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He has just turned 6.
Sunken eyes and dark urine - yes.
Its the fact that this is the 4th time in less than 4 months he has had a vomiting spell, seems excessive. We are not "worriers" and accept young children are prone to bugs.
Hopefully he can be seen sometime today, suffice to say he will miss his first day back to school tomorrow!
jd......yes, I can understand your concern, but try not to get "het up" during this attack as i am sure it will settle if you give him fluids.

The recurrent vomiting does need looking into and if it is not associated with abdominal pain, then there is nothing serious going on.

Periodic Cyclical Vomiting comes to mind.....Google it if you have a spare moment.
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Thanks Sqad, will take a look.
No abdominal pain apart from the general discomfort of vomiting.
If a doctor puts his hands on the little man's tummy today it would help!
We have some dioralyte in the cupboard to help hydrate him.
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CVS looks a possibility and I will ask my OH to mention to GP (if he gets to see one).
Thank you.
It's a pleasure.
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Little man got an appointment at 1.30pm.
Prescribed 5 days liquid amoxicillin. Doctor wasn't overly concerned about symptoms, throat and ears are inflamed and we are to monitor the vomiting. Pleased to say he is eating a cheese sandwich now, worst over I am sure.
Thanks for the feedback.
quick working antibiotics :)

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