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speed dating!

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Scarlett | 19:16 Thu 08th Sep 2005 | Body & Soul
2 Answers

Could anyone please tell me what this actually is? What happens? For how long? What results do you get?





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I've heard mostly about speed dating being a gathering of strangers to a place (room, hotel lobby, restaurant, etc) where they have tables set up...

one person (either the male or female) sits at one table and does not move around, while the others will start at one table, talk with that person for a number of minutes (I've heard mostly 8 minutes)...then a whistle, bell or something goes off and they move to another table and meet the next person...

you try to get to know one another as quickly as possible, then after everyone has met each info is exchanged in case a second "real" date is in order...I've only seen this in movies, TV shows...I couldn't imagine subjecting myself to this in reality...

but to each his own....

Me & my mates had a go at it!  It's pretty much like HAnn521 says, except it's more like 2 or 3 minutes with each person.

You have a score card & you tick their name if you see any potential as a friend or love interest & then the next day you go on the website & put all your ticks in & see what matches you get!

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speed dating!

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