I posted a question here on B&S a couple of weeks ago re: chest infection and cough that I'd had for a couple of weeks. I decided to 'ride it out' rather than take antibiotics. I still have a bit of a cough but what really concerns me is how out of breath I am, even when Im doing nothing. Was playing with my young nephews today, nothing strenuous just kicking a ball about, and had to sit down because I thought I was going to pass out and couldnt get my breath. Sitting here now, I feel as though my breathings a bit laboured.
Will try to get in to see the doc sometime this week but is it possible ive got a bit of asthma or something similar?
BTW, Im 48, bit overweight and gave up smoking 3 month ago. Gave up smoking precisely because I was coughing and couldnt get my breath.
Thanks for speedy reply Sqad. What other causes could there be then if not asthma? Its actually quiet scary at times especially if I wake up at night and I feel (albeit momentarily) like I cant breath. Could medication contribute towards it? Im taking tramadol and mirtazipine.
Hi nailit first of all can I say as someone who suffers from this a great deal I sympathise with you,but as sqad says you need to see a doctor to rule out anything inister then take it from there.I was diagnosed with COPD then they said I had emphysema which is no fun and as you say frightening when you cannot get breath,cotrolled(or rather helped)with inhalers and bronchodilators,see your doc and all the best.
Thanks for all replies guys, much appreciated. As I said, I was basically forced to give up smoking because i was having some difficulty in breathing and having repeated 'smokers cough'. Thought I would have had some relief 3 months down the line but I havnt. Have had occasions in the past when ive stopped for a period of time and have felt better for it within weeks but not this time. Wish Id never started in the first place.....ah well.
I wish you well nailit the doctors told me a while back that after having smoked for a long time breathing difficulties will often become worse for a while when you stop as the body adjusts itself and gets rid of the toxins,so do not give up stick with it,and all the best.
Thanks Vak. Must admit that other times Ive packed the cigs in its been a struggle but for some reason ive found it relatively easy this time.
trt, Yes I am but not so much as I was a week or two ago. Had a chest infection and am now at the tail end of it I think.
No pain anne though for some time Ive felt like ive got something 'stuck' in either my windpipe or gullet.(cant quiet place it) Not pain as such but an uncomfortable feeling. Again, put it down to smoking.
methyl, Yeah I remember that. I'd gave up smoking then as well lol (obviously started again...) Chest xray came back clear so didnt worry about it plus my life went pair shaped at around the same time and I had other things to worry about. But yes, this has been going on for some time but recently more pronounced.
Thanks for reply methyl. Hard to say, symptons seem to be ongoing but getting worse. Scared me today that kicking a ball around would have me sitting down because I thought I was about to pass out and was coughing for England. Also going red in the face. Am a bit reluctant about going for another chest xray as the last one was clear anyway so am not too worried about anything serious.