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Is An 80 Beats Per Minute Heartbeat In The Danger Zone?

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Goofyeyes | 19:54 Mon 06th Apr 2015 | Body & Soul
35 Answers
I use legal high stimulants and earlier my heart was beating at 80 beats per minute. I was very scared as it seemed too fast and what was worse is it was beating extremely hard,harder than I've ever know it to.

So is 80 beats dangerous? If not why was my heart beating with such ferocity? Also what are the best off the shelf vasodilators to take to take as a precaution? I used Theanine,fish oils,gingko and chewed a bulb of garlic in fear as I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

I heard cayenne pepper is one of the best vasodilators around. Do you know anything about how effective it is?


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its fine
Question Author
What makes you say that and why is it beating so hard?
80 b p m is OK, firstly

If you are scaring yourself with the side effects of legal highs then it is time to stop their use

as for cayenne pepper - I havent tried it neither do I want to.
Dont smear it on anything south of your belly-button
is my advice
I keep normal heart rates for age in my head

80 is OK
what makes me say that? w el, the fact it's true for one
If taking drugs is causing problems then taking more drugs is the obvious cure to those problems....obvious innit?
I think that you are not telling us the whole story here.

80 beats a minute is normal IF the heart beats are regular......if they are irregular, then no, all is not well.

Why are you on stimulants? you mean coronary vaso-dilators?

Come on what is the score here........
looks like I was right about the pills though.....
I have seen smokers seize a gap in the smoke and take a breath or two of an inhaler !

It is not the heart that is playing up in this scenario but your drug use.
Stop them and you will not scare yourself
vasodilators- you can buy things called poppers Sqad
mainly amyl nitrite

The last comment about cayenne is a useful signpost ....
Question Author
I just want to know why it's beating so hard as I've never known it to beat this hard even though you say 80 bpm is okay. Yes I've had it with those legal highs and have flushed it down the toilet.

If a heart is in trouble what beat range is it in and is it possible for the heart to beat harder but not faster or is it paranoia?

Sqad that is the whole story. They're legal highs I use recreationally instead of illegal drugs but no more after today
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Also do you count the main beat or the secondary beat as well?
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Is there anything I can do to slow it down? I've taken a spoonful of ginger paste and a spoonful of garlic paste
Try drinking as much water as tou can to flush them out of your system.

And for goodness sake stop taking them.

Why on earth do peope put stuff in their bodies when they have absolutely no idea what they are or what effects they will have. It could be rat poison for all you know .
Is 80 bpm normal? I have a resting bpm of 50 - 55, is that too low?
Even now that I'm anxious about it, it has only gone to 61.
I doubt your heart was beating any harder than normal, your drug taking made you more aware of it. The same thing happens with amphetamine and cocaine (although both of those also increase heart rate sometimes).
Ignore the drink lots of water advice, that will just make you pee a lot and can be dangerous.
What's dangerous about drinking lots of water?
no or yes both normal

m/c you probably do a bit of sport/exercise or are on beta-blockers

80 is OK

Look, mine flipped up to 135-145 and I have to say after four days I felt pretty terrible and went to hospital - (and got treatment)

80 really is OK

just stop taking the legal highs
[ and dont mess around with cayenne ]
don't come on here regularly but me thinks this is a wind up.

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