I've found Mirtazapine very helpful though limited by dose as it loses the sleep effect at higher doses, if that could be an issue?
I suffered really badly from insomnia at university. I have a strict regime now, bedroom is for sleeping and getting dressed etc..., no TV, very rarely read in there etc... I have a routine of going round the house making sure everything is locked up and all the other pre-bed things I need to do so it's a bit like a ritual, my body knows what is coming. Similarly with getting up. I don't lie in, get up at the same time weekdays and same time weekends. I don't lie around in bed on weekends if I wake pre-alarm unless it's stupidly early.
I suffer very badly from fatigue and have been trying to find ways of making my "enforced" fatigue less unpleasant, such as having a shower when I get home with relaxing shower cream (don't like baths) and then use baby night time lotion, have a cup of camomile tea etc... so I'm still exhausted but more comfortably tired, if that makes sense? I try to avoid caffeine near bedtime and rarely drink alcohol but for me a milky cup of weak sweet tea is really comforting and relaxing.
At one point, I used to have a TV in the bedroom and used to put Sky News on really quiet which, as often quite repetitive, would help me drift off as I zoned out (you're a bit screwed if there is a major breaking news or something though!). The radio could work like this too, or music which makes you daydream more and relax and drift off - don't try to focus too much on sleeping, just relax and let your mind wander. I then later moved to no TV as had got a much better sleeping routine.
I've also had "visualisations" like thinking of a really nice comfortable relaxing happy place I can feel nice in, for me as a girly thing, say being pampered, being in a lovely hotel and ordering room service for whatever you need, having a Jacuzzi etc... Just tricks to relax you and you may drop off as you are so relaxed.
If you are worrying about stuff, I find visually (in your mind) shutting them away, like putting them in a box or filing cabinet which is then shut and they are put away until you want to get them out.
Just trying to focus on being comfortable and relaxed can help you at least get some rest and may help with sleep.