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Against Gay Marriage?

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RATTER15 | 22:04 Sat 04th Jul 2015 | Body & Soul
27 Answers
This is interesting....


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pixie; I think the salient part of that dictionary definition is; "(or, in some jurisdictions, two people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship"

Like sharia law, It has far from universal acceptance.
If it's legal, it's accepted...
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//It has far from universal acceptance.//

that does not make it a contradiction!
......."I have spoken to many Christians over the years, and most will openly admit to having never read the Bible and few actually have much idea what is in their Bible"......

Many use the internet but dont understand html code! Does that make them technophobes?

Besides my mother (born again) and my uncle (atheist) I don't know anyone who has read the bible cover to cover.

Obviously they interrupted it differently!
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I agree ummmm, I was always getting interrupted as well!! ;-)

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Against Gay Marriage?

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