Gness! So sorry I have not been on line earlier. I have been recording abnormally high pressure readings for years. Had me very worried as Dad had glaucoma. No-one found reasons for it. Then I moved to France.
In France, specs. are very, very expensive, so I carried on going to the UK for new glasses and checks whilst on holiday. Worriedly clutching my latest test results from UK, I went to my French GP, who referred me to a specialist in a clinic in La Rochefoucauld.
All the tests kept coming up with these elevated pressures, but she peered deep into my eyes and said that the optic nerve looked OK to her. A few, pensive, minutes later she disappeared to return with what sounded like 'lemon juice' . This was dropped into my eyes and shortly after an electonic probe touched my eyeballs - to record normal readings!
It appears that I have (for want of a better translation) greasy eyeballs. I now tell opticians and 'yes' they concur. It may well be the same for you, so relax :o) x