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Pain Relief...

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Baby_Sham | 18:00 Thu 08th Oct 2015 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
I've taken two paracetamol and one 400mg Ibuprofen.
However, I've been throwing up all day, and I'm pretty sure the Ibuprofen came back up (sorry, gross). Can I take anything else? I have Codine, would that be ok?

Took them about an hour ago.



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If you are "throwing up all day" then whatever you take by mouth will be ineffective.

What is the problem? What pain? Where?
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My head is absolutely pounding. My ribs hurt, my chest hurts.

Probably should have mentioned the fact I'm preggers, too :-/

If you are preggers as you put it then be careful what you take without advice. Listen to sqad.
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I realise I shouldn't be taking Ibuprofen, but seriously, my head is hurting so, so much :-(
Just want to know if it's ok to take some codeine on top of what I've already taken...
Baby_Sham if you realise you shouldn't be taking it then I suggest you wait for our resident, qualified Doctor to return and advise you what to do. From a laymans point of view I suspect if you've been throwing up then a lot of the drugs are out of your system anyway which is why they've been ineffectivebut I do suggest you wait for further advice.
\\ Can I take anything else? I have Codine, would that be ok? \\

Yes, that shouldn't do you or the baby any harm.

How many weeks pregnant are you?

I didn't find out I was pregnant with my daughter until I was 5 months gone. In that time I had a bad dose of tonsillitis and was on antibiotics and pain harm done.
Question Author
I'm only 8 weeks gone.

Thanks, Ummmm, but it's absolutely not "congrats".
It couldn't have come at a worse time :-(
I won't congratulate then Baby Sham , but hope you soon feel better and that time changes things for the better for you.x
Don't know if this helps to explain or not, but the only time in my life I had migraine (very painful headaches, sicky and also disturbed vision) was when I was pregnant. That was up until the menopause, when I've had mild ones off and on. Do be careful what you take, you may feel it's the wrong time for a pregnancy, but to my generation you could never afford a baby and they came when they came. So good luck and I hope the 'hormones' explanation helps a bit :)
Baby - do listen to Sqad before me but some weeks ago I had a terrible headache - went on for days - (not preggers LOL) but remember many years ago I took migraines.

A few weeks ago I went to chemist and bought migraleve - both yellow and red in the same pack and I never looked back. Again ask Dr Sqad - but they truly did help me - I actually bought them again so that they are there if I need them.

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