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Sit Ups

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mrs_overall | 09:07 Sat 02nd Jan 2016 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
When doing sit ups, do you breathe in as you are coming 'up' or as you are going 'down'?


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Going down.Breathing out is done when there is some exertion in any exercise.
09:12 Sat 02nd Jan 2016
When the doctor /nurse slaps my face face and asks me what day it is
Going down.Breathing out is done when there is some exertion in any exercise.
Question Author have lost me there
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Thanks danny x
And me too Mrs Overall! Weecalf do explain.
Ach sure you know I tire easily
If I did sit ups, I would be gasping both up and down!! Lol.
Mrs O why are you doing sit-ups?
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danny, after the year from hell (health wise) I need to build up some core strength
If you can manage it the PLank is more effective.
After reading your shopping thread I'd suggest wearing a 'sports' bra, when doing sit ups.

Its breathe 'in' as your collapsing back down.
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slackalice - sports bra is at the ready!

mikey, the plank is a bit further down the line. I tried it and I looked nothing like a plank.....more of a U bend
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sorry danny, that plank answer was for you, not mikey
You're suppose to pull your belly in so I would say breath in before you go up.
If you are only wanting to exercise your tummy there is an easier way of doing it.
Sit upright in a chair and suck in your stomach muscles.While keeping them sucked in tense them as though expecting a punch and at the same time breathe out slowly.Do as many repetitions as you can in sets of ten.
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danny, I am already doing a chair exercise = I sit on a dining room chair with my arms folded across my chest and stand up from the chair and then sit down again
You can do Danny's suggestion even when moving about doing housework.
Also,I thought Pilates was good for core strength...and fairly gentle to start.
OK .Whatever works for you is the best way of exercising,Good luck
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Thanks danny.

Pasta - housework? The word rings a bell.....
mornin Mrs O.
I sawn a physiotherapist a couple of days ago and he said I needed to build up my core muscles. From what he was sayin that is my thigh and tummy muscles. He did a few tests on me then said he'd send me some exercises in the post, and would come back next week.
He was 6'5" !

x x

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