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Psybbo | 18:48 Mon 18th Jan 2016 | Body & Soul
34 Answers
Tight chest, uncontrollable coughing fits, can't eat, OH on amoxicillin and I got a script for it yesterday, so two days into 7 day course. There is so much I need to be doing but so weak that I can hardly drag myself out of bed and sleep most of the time.


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You should probably have been given 5 days' Prednisone too. Hope you're feeling better soon x
21:40 Mon 18th Jan 2016
Chest infection is the first thing that springs to mind.
Whatever it is, do as you are doing - plenty fluids, lots of rest and finish the course.

Feel better very soon.
This is a time to make a decision do you look after yourself and listen to your body and allow it to heal?
Sorry to hear that you are still unwell, Sibs. I had a similar thing which started before Christmas. I've only just got over it.

I hope the antibiotics work for you and you start to feel better soon.
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Thanks, it is a chest infection
\\\Thanks, it is a chest infection\\

So why ask?
Sibs, I know how rotten you feel. It doesn't help when both of you are unwell, does it?

Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow and even better the next day.

Make some hot toddies. They may not help but you might get a more restful night's sleep.

Best wishes. xxx
Nice bedside manner there, Sqad. :-(
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Thanks Tilly, how long did it take to get your strength back?
Thanks Tilly, that is what i am revered for.
Still not back to full power but much better than I was last week. Three weeks ill, two week recovering.
Yes, Squad. I'm sure it made Sibs feel much, much better.
Get well soon, Psybbo x.
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Thanks Tony,
I suppose I really wanted to know how long before I don't infect anybody else
If it is influenza and it certainly sounds like it, you will be infectious for at least one week after the onset of symptoms.
If you have residual symptoms then you probably won't be infecting anyone else
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I am only just feeling normalish ... but still very fatigued after my bout ..has been 4/5 weeks...
It certainly sounds nasty - any of you have the flu injection by the way?
No, not this year. I had one last year. Just haven't got around to it. Maybe I should.

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