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Astrology - believer or not

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keys | 16:13 Thu 29th Sep 2005 | Body & Soul
15 Answers

Who does believe in astrology and zodiacs?




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What a load of b*llox!!!!!  Zodiac/Sign only give people like Russell Grant & Petulengro a job.  I bet Petulengro has a normal name really!!!

I am a bit you can see......

I am a non believer

What a load of total stupifying rubbish anyone who believes in them needs a serious head check.

Another non-believer - and also a bit worried that a few squiggles can rule some people's lives to such an extent that they cannot make a simple decision without consulting an astrologer or charts. Very scary.
Don't be so narrow minded!!!!, astrology has been around fro thousands of years.  Don't mock other people beliefs, some people look to the bible for answers and other people to astrology - who are you to say us believers are stupid!!!!!

Absolute halfwittery without a the merest shred of scientific basis, peddled by charlatans and exploiting the gullible.

Me and a 12th of the population think that, you know...

The profiles of a 'typical Scorpio' etc can be uncannily accurate.

The best take I ever saw on it was: It's impossible to be wrong all the time.

But overall - No.

put me in the "Not in a million years" camp.
Think about Chinese astrology, which is based on the year of your birth. When you were at school about 50% of your class would be one type and the other 50% another.

So in my class half were Ox and the other half Rat.

I can tell you right now there were as many different personalities in my class at school as there were people in it. So is it possible that this week we are all going to have a good thing happy in our relationships and not look a gift horse in the mouth (or any other vauge rubbish).

There is some research to suggest that different amounts of radiation from the sun at different period of the year could have an effect on our development in the womb, there for people born during high radiation period have various personaliy traits as apposed to people born in other months. This is at least plausable but as for it telling you to take care of buisness as my star sign tells me to is frankly b*ll*cks.
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I agree 100% with Wowo comments. Do you know where I could find information about 'different periods of the year could have effect on our development in the womb'. Thanks
It's basically a load of generalisations. Our personalities are complex, we all get mad sometimes, we can all be calm other times. As with most of this sort of thing we agree with the bits we like and ignore the bits we don't. Take for example my sign Aries

Adventurous and energetic,Pioneering and courageous
Enthusiastic and confident,Dynamic and quick-witted

On the dark side...Selfish and quick-tempered,Impulsive and impatient,Foolhardy and daredevil

I'm seriously lazy and enthusiastic is never a word people would associate with me. I'm impatient but I'm not selfish in anyway. So it's basically half right.

Now lets look at Libra (i.e. ones thats not associated to me)

Diplomaitic and urbane,Romantic and charming,Easygoing and sociable,Idealistic and peaceable

On the dark side....Indecisive and changeable,Gullible and easily infuenced,Flirtatious and self-indulgent

I'm very easygoing and idealistic and a little bit indecisive (not sure about that :) ) and also flirtatious. Again about 50%.
I don't believe in the ones you get in papers and magazines... 'Today you find yourself in a difficult position. Beware of someone bearing gifts'... thats cr@p but I do beleive in the characteristics of the signs. Like Leo's are proud, lazy, outgoing.. things like that.
Nostradamus was no two-bit idiot!
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RubyRose and Wowo do you know any good websites containing characteristics of the signs. Cheers

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Astrology - believer or not

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