I'm going to be using crutches for the next 2-3 months. The ones I got at the hospital are really hurting my hands (I haven't walked that far). I'm going back to work next week and don't want to end up with calluses on my hands. Can anyone recommend some crutches that I can buy that might alleviate the pressure.
You can buy foam pipe lagging (usually grey) which fits very nicely around the 'handles' and helps a lot. Try not to exert too much pressure on the crutches - I ended up with ulner nerve damage and still have little feeling in my little finger on one hand 6 months after my hip replacement operation.
I didn't mean to scare you Rocky, I'm a fairly large lady it may just be that!! If your builder hasn't got any Homebase and B & Q do it and it's quite cheap. Good luck, hope all goes well
Ruptured my Achilles tendon whilst doing the CanCan! I wasn't that pee'd either.
Thanks Eccles, I'll have a look at that website. Alice, thanks, I think they would be better but the hospitals don't offer them anymore, is there a reason why do you think?
To be honest, it hasn't been that painful. When it happened I thought some poor bloke had kicked me whilst walking past. A bit of a dull ache now and then but nothing to write home about. I did get cramp in that foot yesterday though, it hurt like a biaatch as I couldn't do any stretches. Plus, I can't take ibuprofen for the swelling which is a bit of a bummer.
rocky, you may not want to hear this, but its a good rule not to use crutches for longer than is comfortable...a bit of pipe lagging yes but nothing more....because over use can trash your shoulders badly.
I'm already getting a bit of gyp in my shoulders Woofy. The crutches on Eccles website look like they might be able to distribute some of the weight to my arms so I'm giving then consideration. If I could get around without them I certainly would but I've been told that I must not put any weight on the injured leg. I've never felt so helpless in my whole life. Going to the toilet is a challenge and getting upstairs to bed might just as well be a trek up Everest.