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Handoftheking | 10:04 Sun 07th Aug 2016 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I have very poor hearing and it causes a lot of problems with my family while watching TV. I can't hear what people are saying, especially when the actors mumble. I get told off for having the volume too high. I heard about some devices you can get that allow me to have the volume as high as I like while my family can listen in comfort.
I have a Samsung smart TV UE40. Would such a device work with that? I am not very technically savvy! Can anyone recommend a good product?


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In our house the one with poor hearing uses wireless headphones but our tv doesn't mute the tv speakers when you plug a headphone jack in.

These are popular amongst friends
Hiya Handy - I have attached a link for you to peruse - you may get some products to help you

If you have been assessed by NHS as deaf /hard of hearing you may get help - good luck.
i had those earphones that hc has recommended but they annoyed my ears
jennie's link has some great ideas but the products are much more expensive than High Street shops and Amazon
but as I say HC - if hok is with nhs she/he could get help

I have never had to buy a product yet.

I have flashing lights for my phones, phone for deaf with amplification/ doorbells the lot.
What about pressing the Sub Titles button on your remote? Or would that annoy your family? I use it when the mumblers are on and my hearing is fine.
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Wow! Thanks for all the kind help. I'm having a think and a chat with my wife.

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