Society & Culture23 mins ago
My Question Grumpy Da Or Something Else?
17 Answers
Well I’ve been dipping me toe so to speak for a week before asking my first question so here goes. Sure without giving too much personal information I live with my da , my ma passed when I was 14. Da has never been the life of the party so to speak but pleasant and polite and hardworking ,the sort of da that can turn his hand to anything, Mr. Fixit you know. About this time last year he started to get a bit confused when describing how to get to places or how to do things. This has got worse and sometimes when he drives places we go the scenic route if you know what I mean, but if I say anything I just get a mouthful back off of him. I would just think its old age mind you he’s just turned 60 so thats not old now a days is it? He’s getting more niggly with folk and I can’t seem to do right for doing wrong. He’s now starting to get his words mixed up and then saying it’s me that going deaf, can you believe that! He made a show of himself when a neighbour was in, so he did, and the neighbour was laughing saying what the H are yer talking about there now. He was trying to say he had to go out between 6.30 to 6.45 and he kept saying 36.45. Could this be a sign of Dementia or just old age?. I’ve read up on it but you know when you start on these Internet sites you end up thinking you’ve got everything including bionic plague! Don’t know what to do maybe just leave it until it gets that bad he’s got to see the doctor. Don’t advise taking him anywhere like that now because he wouldn’t even go to the hospital last year with a broken foot until I threatened to call the ambulance. Sorry this is so gabby but advice would be helpful . Thank you
He seems to be going down the same route as myself. Not found any scenic routes yet but the rest is all too familiar. If one is capable in previous years it is nigh impossible to accept one is falling apart at the seams as one ages; so being often annoyed/ niggly is an inevitable consequence. Self respect falls through the floor, reality seems to be permanently...
09:41 Wed 10th Aug 2016
He seems to be going down the same route as myself. Not found any scenic routes yet but the rest is all too familiar. If one is capable in previous years it is nigh impossible to accept one is falling apart at the seams as one ages; so being often annoyed/niggly is an inevitable consequence.
Self respect falls through the floor, reality seems to be permanently against you as things you know you can do seem difficult and things you know you would not possibly do or not do appear to have not happened or happened.
And as an example of words I was talking to someone the other day and afterwards realised I had continually been referring to place A when I should have been referring to place B. No ability to change that, I obviously just looked a fool and I can not stand that.
And the verbal subconscious subroutines start failing and not building the spoken sentences correctly, that the conscious takes for granted they always will do. It's a bad time and difficult to accept.
Apologies but I have no idea if it is dementia or the usual old age failings or something else causing it (I suspect lack of sleep but maybe that's an excuse).
If you are worried maybe you could ask your GP what to do as at least it reports it. Otherwise I'm just coping on a daily basis, trying not to get too angry too often during the day, hoping it's normal deterioration, and hoping it'll find a plateau and stop.
Self respect falls through the floor, reality seems to be permanently against you as things you know you can do seem difficult and things you know you would not possibly do or not do appear to have not happened or happened.
And as an example of words I was talking to someone the other day and afterwards realised I had continually been referring to place A when I should have been referring to place B. No ability to change that, I obviously just looked a fool and I can not stand that.
And the verbal subconscious subroutines start failing and not building the spoken sentences correctly, that the conscious takes for granted they always will do. It's a bad time and difficult to accept.
Apologies but I have no idea if it is dementia or the usual old age failings or something else causing it (I suspect lack of sleep but maybe that's an excuse).
If you are worried maybe you could ask your GP what to do as at least it reports it. Otherwise I'm just coping on a daily basis, trying not to get too angry too often during the day, hoping it's normal deterioration, and hoping it'll find a plateau and stop.
Thank you for your replies especially Old_Geezer for giving me a little insight into what is like to be a grumpy old duffer 'joking you' no its much appreciated it really is. Someone today at work did say start taking notes of unusual things he's doing so if you do go to the doctors you've got something to show him. Many thanks again for your time.