More than anything you sound extremely worried, anxious and as if you think you are the only person this has ever happened to and are all alone with it, and it's a lot to bear. Relax, it sounds very much as if you just have cystitis- lots of people get it, I have had it and sometimes it takes more than one course of antibiotics to get rid of it. It's painful, burny and horrible and you feel as if you want to go to the loo a lot. Calm down, likely that's all it is, if so it's a very minor thing in the big scheme of things, although unpleasant. Drink a sensible amount of water per day, not gallons on end for one day and then an egg cup full after that, but something around 8-12 tumblers per day, and stop worrying so much. See your Dr and explain what has happened, or the pharmacist failing all else, but please don't work yourself up into a tizz and start googling all sorts of things you really probably haven't got. Get some sleep and deal with it in the morning xxx