I had a fungal nail infection which has now grown out, but my toe is very tender to the touch on the tip and down one side.
Any ideas what the problem might be?
It seems too trivial to bother a doctor.
Many thanks for any replies
its possible is a sliver of toenail growing into your flesh or it might be an infection. How long as it been like this? Is the toe at all red/hot? If you don’t want to see a doctor, have you got a chiropodist you could see?
Not hot but very red. Has been like this for 3 months ish.
Did see a chiropodist, said there was nothing wrong with it!
Perhaps I should try a different one.
Could be anything.....as woofgang says....an ingrowing toenail....could be that you fungus infection is still active.
You don't seem to be very bothered and it is only causing minimal problems. Assuming that you are not a diabetic or have "circulatory" problems and if it was my toe, I would:
Do nothing.......monitor the situation for the next few weeks.
danny....good point.......I missed that.
Well if he has lived with it for 3 months,it can't be that bad and another 3 weeks wouldn't make much difference, but your point is well taken.
cazdee....it is you call.....
My docs have got practice nurses who would look at something like this and advise....in fact when its something like this, they are often a better bet than the doc as they have more knowledge about wound healing, soreness and so on. maybe your docs has the same?