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henry1938 | 17:53 Wed 06th Sep 2017 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
i have been reffered to hospital for prostate biopsy
how does it work


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Thread started in CB. Fill yer boots there.
The issue is protocol, sqad must reply first, then the lesser morals may have a stab at the OP .
anne....and there are plenty of lesser morals on AB. ^^^^^
Anne holds you in high regard, squad.
Spicerack....LOL she has been a thorn in my side from her very first day about 8 years ago....she has calmed down lately.
Anne, you spoiled your barb by making a boob! Never mind.

Henry, has this thread been of any help to you at all?

Tilly.....I know henry of old, his record for returning to his posts is not good.
I won't hold my breath then, Sqad. Thank you.

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