.....that if you have a black floor in your utility room....poor eyesight and very low lighting it's not a good idea to place a large pile of black baking trays and tins on the floor.....
You'll forget about them and when you go into your utility room...in bare feet....you will step on the corner of the bottom tin.....
The result will be that the tins and trays will catapult through the arch into the kitchen...taking out a potted plant on the way.....and kneecapping your dinner guest who is/was calmly gazing out of the window and supping wine......
I won't mention my possibly broken big toe until he has calmed down and stopped theatrically rubbing his knee...... :-(
Tilly....I store them in the oven where they gather dust for months.....but for once in the blue moon I was using the oven......not enough worktops so I just popped them on the floor...and forgot..... :-)
Who has black floors?....Somebody who doesn't go with run of the mill, boring furnishings....somebody who likes a bit of bling and impact....somebody who doesn't want a dull home..... :-)
Light from where, Shoota....it's night time.....but you're almost right....I have black blinds....and lots of black curtains.......but the kitchen walls are lime green...soon to be purple....x
You're right, Tilly....my last kitchen was huge.....only because it came with the house....and parties ended up there.....
Arky....it was slapstick......the flying tins were bad enough but the noise they made as they all landed one by one was unbelievable....I was squealing with the shock...and my guest was spouting wine....and yelling.....What the F***........x
One of my elderly neighbors nearly broke a leg because her house was so dusk like, my dad went through her house and was amazed to find all the bulbs were old and low wattage so changed them for 100 Watt bulbs and told her if she needs help carrying anything or climbing to call him.