My sister is 88yrs old says she has started to take 2 paracetamol at night as they help her to sleep, could this be harmful to her? she is in good health and as bright as a button mentally.
Caveat - I am not a doctor!
Paracetamol is a pain killer and will only help aid sleep if she is suffering from aches and pains.
I can't see 2 a day doing her any harm perhaps though could she build up a tolerance to such a low dose so when she needs it she would have to take more.
Paracetamol will not help you sleep in any way other than a placebo effect.
I find paracetamol makes me sleepy....maybe its all in my imagination and maybe its in your sister's imagination....but I wouldn't take paracetamol and drive.
Because I don’t want to pretend to be something I’m not. Also if people decide to take my advice then they know it’s at their risk. But they may think based on others advice that they are medically trained but are not.
No, I don't think from your answers strangers would think that either of you had medical degrees and also on AB one doesn't have to have any special qualification, medical or otherwise.
My mum always used to take a couple of aspirin to help her sleep and nothing to do with pain. Maybe it was a placebo effect but I do the same sometimes and find it works, especially if I'm overtired or a bit stressed..