Why do I get dreams of a boy who was my classmate in school and I liked him, Whenever I try to forget him he comes in my dream, I see that we are together and everything is good around, Does it mean he misses me too or is it my heart only? Is it related to psychology or to our hearts? Is it true that hearts are connected with one another and feels each other's pain? Is it same in our case?
'Whenever I try to forget him he comes in my dream' * cough*.
If you are actively thinking about him and then dreaming about him you are literally lucid dreaming, try not actively trying to forget him, anything that brings something to mind immediately before you sleep even in the negative is likely to crop up in your dreams.
Yes various brands are still available, including the ubiquitous Newcastle, which apart from it's more obvious qualities is also good for upset tummies...
Dreams are just the brains way of processing thoughts, you sound quite young, you will have many better dreams to come. Especially if you stop believing in romantic twaddle. Even the closest of us are not connected, sorry