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Cough cough cough!!!!

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auditt | 08:15 Sun 06th Nov 2005 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Hi everyone...Like many of you I have been suffering from a bad cold, and hand in hand with this cold came a cough...It is a non specific cough, and by day it is tolerable...But when I go to bed and lay down, I seem to develope what I call a 'death rattle'..I wheeze and rattle, cough and splutter, and sound like an ol' bag of loose nails, all these noises seem to come from deep inside my chest...Why is this..Why am I rattling and wheezing..It is so annoying.....So if there are any doctors or budding Dr's out there, or even anyone who knows the answer to this question..Please post a reply..................Thanx in advance......AudiTT...xx.


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My daughter had a cough similar to this, but without any phelgm being coughted up, so it was dry. You need to either get a good cough mixture., sounds like you need one for a productive cough, benelyn sould do it (not sure on the correct spelling), or if its that bad, a visit to the docs you may need a course of antibiotics for your chest. In the meantime boil up some lemons, and add some honey that may help you.

Agree with Eastender- coughs are so horrible for the person that has them, yet they seem such a small ailment when you don't have one! I recommend Covonia. If you have a rattling chest, at least that means the phlegm is loose, which is good. You need to cough it up though to get rid of it. If the phlegm is green or yellow then you have an infection and need anti-biotics. Important you get them- I didn't, and I ended up with pleurisy, and in hospital for a week!!

If phlegm is clear, it is just a cold, so take Covonia for chesty cough (make sure you get the right one) as it is very strong and always sorts mine out!x

I had something similar to this auditt... I thought it was just a bad cold which was affecting my asthma but the Dr told me I had a nasal drip!! ( sounds awful) basically I had a build up of mucus which was running from the back of my nose down to my chest - which meant that throughout the night the coughing got worse and worse. get yourself a good nasal decogestant, it was the only thing that shifted it!

good luck, hope you feel better soon :o)
damn typo's! lol I meant -decongestant!! :o\

I sympathise with you as i have got the damn cough, i have a cold that has been hanging around for 3 weeks now but as you say the cough happens when you lie down.

Lore's posting is spot on. I also agree with covonia being the best cough mixture. I currently have the same problem and find that if I turn over and lie on my stomach the coughing disappears.

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Cough cough cough!!!!

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