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how do you know when a man is interested?

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GraceAnais | 00:43 Mon 07th Nov 2005 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

what are the signs when a man is interested in you? i've been off the dating scene for so long and am confused. if a guy is looking your way all night is that a definite sign? and also do men revert to being schoolboys and sometimes act like they don't like someone when it is in fact the complete opposite????please help ABers...i know you'll come through for me!!!



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if he talks to you, he's interested.

Short answer, but so very true.

i wish i knew the answer to that GraceAnais, i have date tonight and i'm really nervous!!!
depends on your age and his. If someone over 20 is acting like a schoolboy, do you really want him even if he is interested in you? You could probably get a real schoolboy much cheaper. Likewise, looking at you all night means something - but if an adult male is interested but doesn't talk to you, it probably means he's incredibly shy or is just ogling your body. Again, would you want him?
From a man's perspective, he probably is interested but often will not act because mans biggest fear is rejection. You can help him out by making the first move but even in these enlightened days that's seems very rare.
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jno-i'd just like to clarify that i am over 20, and i'm talking about men in the age range of 24-30. although i dunno why age should come into it. the last guy i was seeing was 25 and really mature and nice (own flat, good job, etc) whereas on the wkend i met this guy who was 27 (still lived at home with mummy, need i say more) who was a complete prick; so i think age is regardless.

ward-minter- if a guy talks to you he's interested? how do you know he's not just being friendly?

littlemiss... good luck with the date. i'll be watching Corrie and enders and working on my PC. you lucky thing!!! make sure you let me know how it goes!!

Loosehead- i thought that men are meant to be the chasers? i thought that they liked the challenge? if you come onto men they normally get cold feet. it is best not to go against mother nature surely? men are the hunters... aren't they?

as a man if im interested in a girl then i would certainly keep looking over at her casting admiring glances. i wouldn't play silly schoolboy games by pretending i'm not interested. and dont rely on a guy coming over to chat to you as lots of us are too shy and scared of rejection. sometimes you have to make a move, come over and ask us to buy you a drink.
Grace age shouldn't matter once you're an adult - unless you act like you're not an adult. But I know a lot of women seem to find arrested development a bit cute (Kate Moss, say) - perhaps it brings out the latent mother in them? Over to you whether you're built like this.

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how do you know when a man is interested?

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