Hi, last night I had one of the most horrific dreams I have ever had. In my dream I was awake, my room was exactly as it is, but in my dream I had sleep paralysis. I felt a weight on top of me, holding the quilt tightly on me, so I was unable to move. It felt like it was a spirit of some kind, but this non-physical entity was nasty. I was trying to call for help but couldn't. It felt like something was tight around my throat. There was also a feeling of air blowing behind me, even though I was on my bed. Needless to say when I woke up I was in a state, and I actually feel like someone was holding my throat through the night. Any idea on what the dream could mean? Been having flashbacks all day and I feel really anxious. Thanks.
This is quite common. Had similar myself in the past. It is terrifying. It's when you're in between sleep and waking up. Your brain is trying to wake but your body is paralysed as thinks it is still asleep. If it happens again, tell yourself it's ok, it's nothing evil but something that happens to a lot of us. By the way, are you on any medication?
I, too, have experienced Sleep Paralysis. The first time was about 30 years ago and I can remember every moment of it, so terrifying was it.
Have a read of articles about Hypnagogia and Hypnopompia. It won't prevent the occurences but it helps with those feelings you get afterwards if you can explain it to yourself rationally.
Try not to fret or become concerned with going to sleep....Bed-dread can become a problem in itself.
Haven't had a really nasty dream for some time but used to dream I was falling from a great height. Am terrified of heights and used to wake up in a sweat. Hope this was a one off for you as they can be frightening.
Could be. Sometimes we don't realise how stressed we are. We put it to the back of our minds and get on with day to day duties....then it comes out in our dreams.
The first time it happened to me was when my dad was sick and like Jackthehat I remember everything about it.
I’ve had sleep paralysis quite a few times. Also rolling out of my body eg astral projection. It is disconcerting, but repetition lessened the fear eventually. I have sleep apnea so there might be a connection. I think stress may be involved. Don’t dwell upon it, fear exaggerates the experience.