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collareddove12 | 16:33 Fri 09th Nov 2018 | Body & Soul
47 Answers
Can Autism run in families? I have 2 brothers whom each have an autistic grandson - one just diagnosed. I don't have any grandchildren.


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My parents used to get annoyed.

Christmas presents, birthday presents used to be played nicely with for a month or two.

Then they were dismantled, non too gently sometimes.

I needed to know how they worked.
Me too!!! I loved taking things apart. My 83 year old mum still goes on about it.
My Mum is 87 and still reminds me as to what a little ***/reverse engineer I was ;-/
I stopped short of dismantling living things but dead animals and birds were fair game
LOL. My dad used to despair as well (he was quite practical) and he’d say ‘don’t mess with things that are cleverer than you’. I can build things as well. But that’s not a satisfying, is it!
rowan, I distinctly remember a biology lesson when I was about 7 where we dissected a bull’s eyeball. One of the best schooldays ever.
Autopsy's didn't quite pique my interest ;-/

But I do understand

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