hi,, can anyone help... my boyfriend has patterned vision and occasional headaches, but the vision has been constant for 3 months,, he describes it as 'trippy' vision.. have been to an ent specialist who seems to be bewildered by it....he has also had and optician check it out,, all clear there... any ideas,, it's beginning to get scary now.
i would suggest he sees his gp, who will be able to refer him to an eye clinic or opthalmologist. how (and why) did he get his referral to an ear nose and throat specialist when its a vision problem?
he has been to see his gp,,he referred him to an ent as he initially thought it was related to the middle ear,, but tests came back clear,, he also has seen an optician who did a load of tests, all clear, and has now started with an acupunturist out of sheer frustration,, he says it's doing him good, although i suspect it's more psyological than anything...!
I occassionally have something called an optical migraine that effects the vision with strange effects and a numbing headache, usually if I'm tired and been working hard but it normally goes after a few hours rest.
yeah cheers stanleyman,, have been on line and it does mention optical migraines, also apparently there is a type of migraine without the headache, which can last indefinetly,,.. bit uncommon but not unheard of..any ideas would be good now