//However, my sister and I spend maybe an hour a week on average cancelling appointments for people that have no wish and no intention of going... they have just been invited.//
And that is because of the ridiculous practice of making an “appointment” for somebody unilaterally. The idea of an appointment is that it is a mutually agreeable arrangement. To make one without consulting the person concerned (and calling it an “Invitation” as if they had been invited to a wedding) is just, well…stupid.
//And I doubt everyone even bothers to cancel,//
And why should they? If somebody makes an appointment for me for something I didn’t ask for, probably don’t want and for which they didn’t bother to check whether I did or if I was available, why should I go to the trouble of “cancelling” an arrangement I was never party to? And so we see this:
//It’s currently a 5 week wait for an appointment around here//
Has it never occurred to the people allegedly managing the NHS that no commercial company would make an appointment for one of its customers without first checking that (a) they actually want one and (b) that they can come at the time suggested? It ain’t rocket science.