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Unbearable Itchy Face

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Smowball | 16:22 Thu 18th Jul 2019 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
I’ve had this a couple of times before but never ever as bad as today. It literally feels as though there are thousands of tiny spiders crawling all over my face. I’ve scratched till my face is so so sore now. I’ve taken antihistamines but not even touching it. I’ve washed endless times with cool water.
I’ve not put any make up on or moisturiser and I haven’t changed any products. Any ideas ?? As it’s driving me completely insane : (


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This was Sqad's advice to you back in 2013, may be worth trying.

//It sounds very much like neuro dermatitis, Google it if you want, particularly applicable after your recent social problems
Nip to the chemist and get hydrocortisone cream 1% and apply three times a day to your face.//
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God I’d forgotten all about that - well done!!
Probably just need to shave more than once a day.
I hope it helps Smow, sounds very uncomfortable.
It can be a problem with moisturizing and scrubbing, as it was with me.
You can try using aloe gel in combination with Also, drink at least 1.5 l of water. A green clay mask will reduce redness.

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