It depends on how much you need that security. I have had a mortgage, and I now rent, and I prefer renting. Having the mortgage and all the house repairs was a nightmare and massive pressure to a) stay there and b) find the money each month. With renting I can move easily and the repairs are not my worry. If you want to buy outright, could you maybe afford a 2 bed place and get a lodger, or student for some of the time? That way you'd have income from your house but still have a house. Don't think about the dole- it is really difficult to live on benefits, and if you are physically able to work, not necessary. You could maybe do the thing where you buy a share of a house alongside a bank, so pay less for it, and still live in it as though it was yours. Your daughter I'm sure would still be very grateful for half of it when it finally sold!