NAILIT did you say on another post that you are drinking 9 or 10 pints a night?
Maybe I read it wrong I hope I did because surely you would be unfit to drive next morning
Lots of variables, but I'd discount natural tolerance.
That I believe comes with practise.>>>> surely the pysh that they have down under doesnt count as drink,fosters lager that is dingo pysh am i right ozzy?
You have to bear in mind that we're on the internet, where 98lb weaklings are transformed into supermen.
9-10 pints an night should be taken with a pinch of salt, just like those serial posters who bring us a regular rotation of triumph, disaster and a few things in between.
Were I drink there is a group of men called 8 x 8. Eight pints before 8 o’clock in the evening during the week. This is after they have been at work all day. So 10 pints is nowhere near a stretch.
An old neighbour of mine regularly drank 8 pints per night. Unfortunately he was breathalyzed on his way to work one morning at 8 am. Still well over the limit and lost his licence and his livelihood.
Important to remember it’s the actual quantity of alcohol that’s the thing. I’ve heard all sorts of nonsense like “I only drink beer so I’m alright...” or “Wine’s not that bad...”
8 pints of strongish beer can be between 25 and 30 units of alcohol. A bottle of vodka is about 32.
Your liver doesn’t care what you drink, only how many units it has to process!
I think jordy is worried about Nailits job. He's worked so hard to get himself in a good position with a job je enjoys it would be an awful shame for him to loose it.