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Red Lump

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jennyjoan | 14:51 Tue 03rd Sep 2019 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
I have a red lump on my cheek - it is not a bite nor a pimple but this past few days it has got a little bigger and the feeling is of a bruise.

What could I put on it


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Could be sebaceous cyst (think I've got one on my arm). Get it checked by your GP.
Has it just occurred OR is it a pre-existing "red lump" that has just got larger?
The cheek is a very unusual place for a sebaceous cyst.

If it is long standing.....then see your GP.
If it has only just become apparent....monitor the situation.
It may not be a pimple but it may be a spot. Monitor it for a day or two and see if it develops a head which you can pop.
"Sebaceous cysts are mostly found on the FACE, neck, or torso. They grow slowly and aren’t life-threatening, but they may become uncomfortable if they go unchecked."
davebro.....thank you, but that has not been my experience.
But you feedback is well substantiated.
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thanks all for your answers. All I can say is the red has been there for about 6 months but when it came "up" it went down as well therefore was not uncomfortable and with a little bit of makeup - very unnoticed. However today it does feel as if somebody hit me on the cheek. that's the feeling.

I have inflammation of the gums as well so perhaps inflammation has gone into the body. I have been to implantologist yesterday begging him to remove the new implants but he has said the teeth are doing well but have very bad inflammation of the gums. I am getting treatment on 18 Sept and am dreading it. Again thanks
OK.....doesn't sound sinister in any way, just monitor the siuation over the next few months.
I wouldn't rub anything into it.
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thanks Sqad -

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Red Lump

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