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Ear Issue For Sqad

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Hooby | 11:11 Mon 07th Oct 2019 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
Hi sqad, it's been a few weeks now since the furuncle was sorted, but since then, the point in my ear canal where it was has never felt right. It has been slightly pink in colour and I've always had a tiny ache there. I was never convinced that it had cleared completely. Now it feels slightly more tender in there and the pink canal floor is more becoming red. Although it hasn't become a problem at the moment, should I go back to the drs ( remembering the run around I had before)? Do you know what it could be? Thanks again.


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Not surprising Hooby as these things tend to become chronic especially as the diagnosis and treatment eluded the Drs for at least a month. Yes, I would go back to the GP and explain that Gentisone HC drops either alone or soaked into a dressing inserted into the ear, would seem to be appropriate. Keep me informed Hooby.
12:29 Mon 07th Oct 2019
Not surprising Hooby as these things tend to become chronic especially as the diagnosis and treatment eluded the Drs for at least a month.
Yes, I would go back to the GP and explain that Gentisone HC drops either alone or soaked into a dressing inserted into the ear, would seem to be appropriate.
Keep me informed Hooby.
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Ok, will do. So you don't think it's anything more sinister? I may be some days replying as it's a nightmare trying to get an appointment. Thank you! :-)
No I don't think that it is anything sinister. However if it doesn't settle with my suggestion then you "may" need a biopsy, but that is a rank outsider.
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Thanks again and sorry I'm late getting back to you ( as usual ) but I can't stay on here long as
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Sorry .... as there's a lot going off here. It is appreciated... :-)
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Hi Sqad, l finally got to see a Dr ( I won't bore you with how dire the appt went ) and I finally managed to convince her to give me gentamicin drops! She took a swab and I'm back there next week to find out the results, so I'll let you know how it all goes. Thanks. :-)
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Hi Sqad, sorry it's a late reply. The outcome is : the result from the swab says I have a fungal infection in that area now ( candida ) and the Dr has given me canesten solution for it.

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