I've been suffering with anxiety for several years now and I just wanted to know if there is a link between that an the early onset of menopause. Can anxiety accelerate when it starts or is it totally unconnected?
I don't think this question can be answered. Two of my kids suffer with it. One boy (23) one girl (27) they are perfectly healthy and have no idea what causes it (I have an idea though)
I started to suffer with it after a hospital stay so mine can be explained.
I was wondering if it was the other way round and whether anxiety could trigger early menopause. Basically, since the anxiety started brought on by certain things going on in my life, my cycle has been irregular since after I had Little Tiggs, 10 years ago. I had him at 39.
If you are prone to anxiety then any physiological changes can increase the occurrence - but as said there's no real proven formula only anecdotal case histories.