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Runny Nose ( Clear ) And Sneezing

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Bobbisox1 | 21:18 Mon 06th Jan 2020 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
it happened last week too and i thought I was in for a heavy cold, next day? nothing
I would liken it to Hayfever if there had been pollen, any ideas?


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Yu can get allergens for things other than pollen. Have you recently bought a plug in air freshener? used a different clothes conditioner,shampoo, hairspray? the list is endless. Buy some cheap anti histamine tabs from the chemist -boots do a good on at about £1.99 take one and if the symptoms subside then its an allergy. On the downside I started with similar symptoms at the beginning of December that turned into a humdinger of a bacterial infection -still on anti-biotics but had no sense of smell or taste all Xmas.
Probably a minor allergy to something. I get this from time to time. Anti histamines seem to knock it on the head.
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nothing different at all, and antihistermines knock me out, even the non drowsy ones do...honestly
no change in after-shaves/perfumes?
Im not sure you need to change anything to have a slight allergic irritation. Travelling to London does it for me. I'm probably just allergic to people.
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None I can think of Alba, I don't use perfume if I'm not going out like today
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haha BM, well it's not Miss Lola, she's almost 5
try an antihistamine nasal spray...should damp down the reaction without damping you down....and yes autumn and winter allergies can be loads of things, spore allergy is a common one.
take Lemsips & vit c before it gets worse
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thank you all, some good tips here

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Runny Nose ( Clear ) And Sneezing

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