The husband suffers with his back, walks with a stick and has, had operations on his back and is on morphine patches to try and ease his pain, his wife is suffering with copd, ulcerated legs, has has bowel cancer and now wears a bag, she finds it difficult get about and also to wash and dress, her husband is having difficulty taking care of her, my husband spoke to him just today, and advised him to get some home help to help him to look after his wife, but he seems adamant things have all changed, and he wont get the help, and said they cant afford private help, does anyone know if this is correct or is he getting confused.
They need a proper assessment, care is means tested but the threshold is fairly high. Also sounds like they both qualify for attendance allowance which is not means tested . It could be used to fund or top up care
I would agree entirely with Rowanwitch. I get attendance allowance which is a help. Currently about £59.00 per week. It's not means tested. They would both seem to qualify. This would mean they could at least pay for some home help. They choose what they spend it on. I have used mine to buy equipment which helps me to cope. If I were you I would phone the very friendly help line on their behalf (with the couples permission).
If they are awarded Attendance Allowance, they may become entitled to other benefits, such as Pension Credit, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction, or an increase in these benefits if they already have them.
My wife and I, nearly but not quite in a similar position to your acquaintances, are planning our Exit strategy. Exit being the operative word.
All our cats met their peaceful ends at the hands of a gentle and caring vet. Why, why, can anyone tell me why, why can't we go to our 'vets' when the time comes, as it will.
I wish all people a peaceful and dignified departure from this world, but few, I fear, will manage it.