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bigbas | 08:12 Fri 03rd Apr 2020 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
RE over 70's with diabetes Stay indoors Is it a suggestion or a decree?


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Strong advice.
I don't think that excludes going for a walk once a day, as long as you can avoid getting close to other people. I was advised to stay in, but still go walking when I can as it's pretty deserted round where I live.
the only decrees are around group meetings, social distancing and unecessary car use and they are for everybody. There is a list of people who should be shielding and can register themselves for extra support. For the rest of us its a personal decision.
Well, if you have nobody to do you shopping or get you bits then go to the silver surfers shopping hours. You can risk it, but the over 70’s immune systems do not work as well as someone who is younger and if you have diabetes as well then your immune system is compromised. Up to you though, you can take a risk if you want. I would not unless absolutely essential. Go out for a lovely walk weather is greatly improved. Off for a nice walk with my dog in a minute. It is surprising how many people say hello when you are out now, all in the same boat as they say.

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