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I_love_Ken | 23:49 Sun 27th Nov 2005 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
I was diagnosed with Raynauds Phenomenon, and my doctor never really explained what they can do about the problem, since then it has gradually got worse
does anyone know of any good treatments I should ask my doctor about?


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As far as I am aware, there is no cure for Reynauds phenomenon. It becomes an issue of management of the disorder. Typically, the clinical effects are in the body extremities, such as fingertips, earlobes etc.Try to ensure that fingers etc are kept warm, wearing gloves etc. During cold periods, for those people clinically suitable and if the disorder is particularly severe, antihypertensives can be prescribed, which helps to limit the blood flow to the extremities.

If it is getting worse, I would recommend seeking advice from a doctor.... it can be painful, and lead to ulceration of the affected fingers etc.

Question Author
thanx, will do

it was fun actually, getting so stressed about my hands in the middle of the classroom because I didnt know what was happening!!
even the first aiders panicked because theyre a bit dippy(nah)

Glad to be of some help.. Asking Santa for big gloves or clothing with lots of pockets would seem to be in order :)

Question Author
no thanx
theyre coming out of my ears, I have a drawer full, I also have a wide range of thick riding gloves, toe sox, hats, scarves, ponchos etc, my mum is a bit wary, cos I get annoyed!!!
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Question Author
thanks, sounds good, sick of having people coming to me in the classroom, and asking me "is it infectious" "why are you wearing gloves you freak"
the most common answer to them is "its fashion, get with the program"
either that or"nah, its not infectious, if it was, I'd be poking the lot of you!!"
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I have this problem in my fingers and I am only still in my 20`s, its a horrible condition as even when in the summer its a problem, numb fingers, tingling pain and now the cold weather is here its constant glove wearing which doesnt help at all really.....I hope it doesnt cause too much of a problem for you...also I was told that i couldnt take nothing for this but I will try gingko now and see....
I have bad circulation,and am plagued with chilblains in winter,as a result of this. Started taking ghinko biloba this year,and I would say,that it definetely helps. Hi iap!!
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My wife was diagnosed with Raynauds about 20 years ago. She suffered pains in her legs (as well as in hands and feet) for a couple years and underwent loads of tests only to be told it was "all in the mind"! Eventually, she saw a specialist who knew instantly what it was.

She had an operation called a sympathectomy that seemed to help her although I think the success rate is generally not that good.

Your first port of call for info. should be the Raynaud's & Scleroderma Association in Cheshire:

It really annoys me that most Doctors don't give this kind of information. Just to diagnose it and then send you away isn't very helpful!

I hope this helps. Let me know if you want any more details about the condition from (nearly) first hand ('scuse the pun).

Question Author
thanx everyone, at the moment I am taking nifedipine, it stops the severity but doesnt stop it fully, so I am still slightly confused, but I am ordering some gingko at the moment, as the doc says to stop taking the nifed before I start taking the gingko, but I feel a bit more confidence that it will get sorted somehow.
we asked about the sympathectomy, ----out of the question, I would have thought that it would have a higher success rate!!!
thanks everyone!!

hi :)

i have Raynauds disease, so i no exactly how you feel! There are two more common ways to relieve the pain, u must obviously consult ur g.p first. One is to take a prescribed pill, however this enlarges the blood vessels and the face becomes very red, and the other is an operation where they remove veins from ur lower arm and transfer them to ur wrists, and remove veins from your thigh and place them in they lower leg however it does leave scars.Otherwise, yes, jus ask santa for plenty of thermal gloves and socks.

Hope this helps :)


Question Author
thanks bunzy, its hard huh, when people dont know much about it, you have to explain like three times over what happens, and then they finally say "why arent they purple now then?"
ha ha ha!!

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