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Ongoing Covid

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Dagman | 08:31 Wed 22nd Jul 2020 | Body & Soul
56 Answers
Hi abers, well the past 2 weeks has been tat to say the least, both having angioplasty carried out and given a dose if covid by the nhs for good measure. I'm into the second week of covid, the most wearing part for me being a persistent sore cough, and fatigue. Finding a sleep position where I don't cough is a challenge. There is no treatment for this. However, should anyone be struck by this, these are my best approaches.
Drink plenty of water, don't try to dry the cough up it doesn't work! Have your bedroom window open, allow cool air to reach you. Change your clothing every day, the virus must linger on them. Change your bedding more often, I was soaking last night and don't fancy sleeping on those again. If you feel tired, rest or sleep. My last suggestion is Jakemans sweets, the honey and lemon ones, soothing, not perfect but not harsh on your sore throat.
I get another test next week, will let you know.


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Hang on in there mate. It'll end soon.
sorry to hear that, Dagman, and I've taken due note of your suggestions. (Perhaps they should be made a sticky.)
Dagman, don’t discount sleeping medication too quickly, maybe even try a reduced doze?. Decent sleep is great medicine . Take care .
reduced doze :-)
Yes, SLEEP all you can. Mrs Allen was kipping for 20 hours a day during recovery.

Appetite? It will return, but slowly.

Try and continue being a patient patient.
So sorry you are still so poorly Dagman. I do hope you will get some good sleep and feel much better soon. X
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Thanks for replies
Jno. :-). Here’s an S for you .
My respects to you Dagman. Obvioiusly a fighter and not a whinger. Your advice is much appreciated and my best wishes for a speedy recovery . Well done. I admire your stoicism and resolve.
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Thanks for replies, as you say it'll be over soon. My approach has been just getting on with it no matter how bad it feels. Eat even if you don't want to, move around as much as you can, get fresh air, sleep if you can, drink plenty, i've gone off my beloved coffee, chocolate is nice now and again, lucozade cold is wonderful, small portions of food better as a plateful would feel a challenge. Cups of tea a must with 2 ginger biscuits for breakfast. It's all a bit weird but slowly working. Im going to halve the sleeping tab to start with as I'm a bit apprenensive.
Sorry to hear about this Dagman, you have a a real positivity & I wish you a speedy recovery. Love your avatar ;0)
Oh, I should have clicked on that to make it bigger, I thought it was Harry Worth .. ha ha!
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Avatar is my hero Count Arthur Strong, reminds me of myself at times. He's a brilliant act in my eyes. Saw him in Workington in Feb, brought the packed house down!
Didn't he have a TV series a couple of years back, Dagman ?

Hope your well soon.
Dagman, I just googled him, the series sounds interesting!
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He did, real name Steve Delaney, he was originally on radio, the tv series was nothing like the radio show with new characters. I did love both but radio has the edge. His live show was fantastic. I've not seen so many people crying with laughter, even Mrs D!
I had never heard of him until I watched the TV series.
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There are a few clips of him on youtube, check out the deck of cards one. Very clever.
Count Arthur Strong! Hugely underrated / highly hilarious. Top bloke.
I will Dagman, thanks.

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