Last week, I found a tick embedded into the skin just below my clavicle. I removed the tick with a tick removal gadget and washed the area well with disinfectant soap.
I applied tea tree cream and thought no more about it, apart from the occasional shudder.
The site of the bite is still very sore and the redness, which had disappeared is back. Literally, it hurts if I touch that area and there is a lump underneath the redness.
Shall I just continue to apply the tea tree cream? It's been over a week now and it doesn't seem to be disappearing.
// I don't have a rash, Sqad, but do have something that looks like an infected spot.// With the caveat that I'm not a doctor and a bit 'gung-ho' I would place a comfortably warm wet cloth on the area for around 10 minutes then give it a squeeze. If anything comes out, then clean thoroughly and apply an antiseptic cream and a bandage covering if you can. If after a...
The reasoning behind it is that if it is ready to burst, it will burst on its own. If you apply pressure to something that is not ready to burst, you risk driving the infection inwards which is NOT a good idea... if you must open it, better to use a sterile blade or needle.
Yes, if it is anything but superficial (I thought so from a bite) then wait and see. Close to the surface, it is only likely to abscess if it is left and doesn't sort itself.
Tilly, can't help now but if you are ever ticked again when you remove the tick drop it into a bowl of water. You can then see that you've got it all....I use a magnifying glass.
The one I removed from the delivery driver a few weeks ago was complete and swimming. He did call in at our surgery on his way home to have it checked but I gather that's difficult for you just now.
Don’t know if you should but before I remove ticks from my animals I dab them with a cotton bud soaked in alcohol. They shrivel up and are easier to remove. Does Dylan have a tick collar? Some don’t seem to be working well this year and I have gone back to Serestar ones. Expensive but good
calmk the 'official" advice is not to use the alcohol trick as it can stress the tick as is dies slowly. This risks the tick regurgitating its stomach contents into the animal which increases the risk of any kind of infection including Lyme if the tick is carrying it. I use a tick remover or I "unscrew" the tick depending on where it is on the animal.