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An Urgent One For Sqad

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KARL | 08:08 Fri 16th Oct 2020 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
I was chiselling a stone and a small/tiny fragment hit my eye before the reflex kicked in. Apologies for the limited presence of medical terms but hopefully you can picture the situation.

The impact point seems to have been close to the caruncula but just inboard onto the white. The result is a pouch filled with blood which is wholly contained within the outermost membrane (my observation), there is no bleeding from the eye as such. This pouch stops at the edge of the cornea but does continue slightly around the outside of it beyond the tangent point to begin to encircle the cornea. My vision is unaffected apart from small focus related issues which I would put down to unequal pressure around the lens and cornea.

I am currently remote from medical attention and am only concerned about any possibility of lasting effects on my vision. Would it be reasonable to assume that, like other accident injuries, this blood will gradually (how long ?) be absorbed and all traces will eventually disappear with no lasting effect. Thus any doctor would advise simply to go home and wait ?


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Karl , if you feel that it is an urgent matter, why not ring 111 ?
Your'e talking about your sight here

I would go to A&E to have it checked

But hey , what do I know
Sqad is a retired ENT consultant. You need to speak to an optician.

It's better to be safe than sorry with regards to your eyes. Phone about and see if you can get an appointment.
Karl, I wouldn't leave an eye injury, eyes are too precious. I too would ring 111. Sqad may not be on for a while.
From what you have described, there is no need to panic.
It sounds as though you have a small corneal abrasion which should settle within a week.
I wouldn't use as eye patch but would take Ibuprofen even if th pain is minimal. 400mgms morning and night.
However,if the pain gets worse or your vision I that eye is distorted,then go to A&E but give it at least 48 hours to settle.
I had a problem with my eyes. I rang my optician for advice on whether to contact the doctor or see her. She said that doctors prefer patients seeing an optician rather than them for anything eye related. I got an appointment the same day.
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From your description I'd suspect it'd just heal up. But in your shoes I'd not take chances and have it looked at and confirmed just to put my mind at rest.
1ozzy "//but would take Ibuprofen//

Standard Sqad answer.

Shares in the company?"

Nasty bit of work, so you are. This bloke devotes much of his time to trying to help others, and all you can do is mock.
Milo - same with dentists. GP's are not experts in these fields.

Karl - I have 3 children who are blind in one eye, don't take any risks.
Allen - the advice is mainly the same. 'No big deal' and 'take ibuprofen'
1ozzy....ibuprofen is an Anti inflammatory drug and trauma to whatever part of the body involves inflammation.
The fact that Sqad is the 95% shareholder of Boots has nothing to do with it !
Some confusion I think OG.
He has a love of thigh length boots that he shares. :-)
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Thank you Sqad - I can't say there is any pain at all, just a bit of irritation which I only notice if doing nothing which requires attention. A judiciously chosen blinking regime brings up crystal clear vision, not that the slight distortion is particularly noticeable unless one concentrates on it. The blood is then something you reckon (as I guessed/assumed) will drain and be absorbed in time ? The "pouch" is a visible slight bulge on the eyeball, I assume it is just under the outermost layer/membrane - it is just within the visible part of the eye and beside the bridge of the nose.

Since posting my question, I have found a useful page and the image here is of something quite similar although mine is nothing like as extensive as the subject's:

For the others: Getting to a doctor is, due to my present circumstances, quite a palavra - phoning a centre (a box ticking screen exercise in all likelihood) would in my estimation achieve nothing better than getting Sqad's assessment on here. It had just happened and my first thought was to quickly ask - on AB, where else as a first port of call (wasn't that the original idea behind AB's creation) ?
KARL. that link really says it all and in line with my thoughts and advice.
It should settle.
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Jeez, judging by one way this thread is developing, my idea of AB is clearly outdated. If the advice is "No big deal" then maybe it really is no big deal - unless one wants to make an undue fuss and get a Victim's Certificate. It is, after all, pretty well known that a lot of the time going to a doctor and getting medication will cure you in two weeks while doing nothing will see you fine in ten days.

Ummmm, what an extraordinarily disturbing outcome for you (I can't begin to guess how this came about) and I can easily understand why you offer your advice, for which I am grateful.
If the problem persists, I agree with some of the other posters in this thread. For eye problems the first port of call should be an optician. Much easier to get an appointment there too.
In the Health and Fitness topic, there is a disclaimer,

"Disclaimer: The information provided here should not replace the advice of a medical professional or be used for "definitive" diagnosis. If you are in need of medical attention please contact your GP or out-of-hours doctor, if you need help finding this information, please visit this page"

Folk would do well to follow that advice.
Karl...they were born with it so know no different. Their good eye is brilliant. They can see better than me.

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