the Specialist (Nurses words) turned out to be a Nurse Practitioner in the Practice.
The wound now needs to be left uncovered so it can dry up a bit.
When I get home tonight will be the first time I have seen the wound undressed as it were, so despite the good advice offered I have been unable to do anything, but I should now be able to keep an eye on things.
I rarely if ever post on these threads because I've always really liked Baldric and just find it all a bit disappointing but I have to ask with the amount of flak you get I just cannot understand why you don't ensure you're using the right account when you post (unless it's deliberate).
No good me moaning at Dave, turns out I picked up his lappy, stuffed it in my slingbag and toddled off to work with it this morning, I owe him the apology.
You should really of put password's on your laptops in case someone pinches it or logs onto your laptop and could axcess your files without your pemission