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Disabled Bed

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allenlondon | 15:44 Sat 31st Oct 2020 | Body & Soul
35 Answers
We got Mrs A a device (a very strong handle) to helpher getin and out of bed, but it can only be on one side, otherwise her damaged legs get in the way.

What she misses on her OTHER side is something to grab hold of, other than a handful of sheet!

Any ideas?




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1st pis is of it up
2nd pic is slid down

/////1st pis is of it up//

I hope that the above is a typo.

Sorry allen.. just couldn't resist it.
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Might work, as long as it is well clear of her damaged legs - she has great trouble swinging them from floor to bed as it is.

Thanks for trying.
has she tried a leg lifter? One of the most useful pieces of equipment i have
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Ordered one, looks v useful.

in all fairness i dont actually have a leg lifter per se - i use my husband's archery bow stringer but it's effectively the same thing :)
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Tell me to mind my own, bednobs, but what leg problems do you have?

Mrs A has severe oedema brought on by heart failure.
I have rheumatoid arthritis and use a wheelchair on and off. I have had both knees and hips replaced, but now probably need elbow and ankle too as well as a revision of the original hip. I don't always need to use the leg lifter, but sometimes need it first thing in the morning or if I get up for a pee.
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Thanks bednobs. I’ll report back on the leglifter...

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bednobs. Leg-lifter a success! Just a simple one: User Recommendation

but today Mrs A got her legs from sitting, into bed, without me helping her, so a real success.

Thanks so much for the tip!

allen, have you considered a hospital bed style pull up bar:
You could get this attached so it hangs above in the right place to pull and swivel the legs around.
thos actual ones are from the US and quiet expensive I just put the link to give you some ideas. Here's UK amazon link User Recommendation
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Thanks Tora. At present, we’re veering between on the one hand desperately hoping she gets better (even amodest improvement would do away with the need for mechanical devices), and on the other hand frantically buying things to keep her out of hospital.

So your grab handles might be useful. Bed/bedroom getting a bit crowded!

Many thanks for thinking of us.
just ideas me old china, you must be the judge of what works, good luck. If I was your neighbour I'd be round and try and work something out. I'm a natural problem solver and I love my job.
I am so pleased it helped allen

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