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Covid.... Again ....

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smurfchops | 11:26 Thu 31st Dec 2020 | News
28 Answers
Ok so we are waiting to hear from our GPS when we will have the vaccine. But what about all the thousands of illegals in the UK who “ don’t exist”... have they registered with doctors? If not, how will they get the vaccine, well they won’t will they? And all the thousands more coming over by boat etc. And the covidiots having a last knees up yesterday before going into Tier 4 or even 5. Why is this country so weak? I can’t see us ever getting rid of Covid in the UK. And by the way down to what age will the vaccine be given?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I think the best thing to do, is stop worrying about what everyone else is up to and keep yourself safe. I'm sure the migrants crossing over will eventually get offered the jab, but I really wouldn't worry about it. There's 67 million people in this country, the jabs ain't gonna happen overnight.
this is going to take an age to get everyone who wants the vaccine to get theirs, who knows about illlegals, they don't show up on radar of doctors, hospitals, protect yourself as best you can be in it for the long haul
down know what you mean down to what age, do you mean kids?
As long as we all have the vaccinne the only probelms will be for those that dont and are NHS which as to treat those non vaxxers that get corona
people who are anti vaccination seem to be many, if they get the virus they should still be treated.
this virus isn't going anywhere no matter how many get the vaccination, no matter how many tiers people are in. Its spread like wildfire, and its whether the NHS can cope that is the crux,
ATM the groups only go "down" to 50. However, there is als a group for clinically extremely vulnerable that will include people younger than that.
'People who are anti vaccination seem to be many'

Do you know many that would refuse the vaccine, Emmie? I only know 2 that I have spoken to. One's a conspiracy nut and thinks the virus is on the end of the test stick, and the other one thinks Jesus is going to save her. Everyone else has their sleeve rolled up in anticipation.
All adults, 16 years old and over will be vaccinated.
those who demonstrated in London and Manchester for a start - all deny that this virus exists, those like Piers Corbyn an anti vaccinator, there were hundreds at these demos. I have a small circle of friends and because of their ages in their 40's doubt if will get their vacs in the next 6 months let alone me which might be sometime in January, Feb - won't know when to be honest.
How does your GPS know when?
"Where" I could understand :-)

Anyway, as stated, people are promarily putting themselves at risk if they don't have it.
I think we have an excellent country personally. One of the first to produce a vaccine in the west.
"Why is this country so weak?" - what would you like to see us do?
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There are numerous New Years Eve raves organised for tonight, perhaps the Army could step in there and help, maybe hose them all down and also give heavy fines to those attending.... also what about people entering the country by air, are they just told to “ self isolate” which they won’t all do, or is every person being tested on arrival? Shall l go on?
The thing I believe largely follows its own course.
I agree people shouldn’t be making it easier, but I wouldn’t get myself too worked up.
So: no :-)
You must be registered with a GP to receive the vaccine.

The ideas (well some of them) that you have are all well and good, smurf, but they simply cannot be policed. A post on another thread suggested we should all be "back in lockdown with curfews and no socialising at all". Well that's near enough the conditions that those in Tier 4 are under (apart from the curfew). But talk of "bringing the army in" is ridiculous. As I keep repeating, the strength of the three armed forces in the UK is around 150,000. Roughly half of those are in the Army with a quarter each in the RAF and the Royal Navy/Marines. Even if all these people were available to patrol the streets (and it is doubtful that even a third of them are) it is a pitiful number to enforce such measures. It is just one member of the forces for every 500 of the population. Quite simply any measures the government introduces are only going to work by consent. And there are large numbers of people who simply do not give their consent to them.
You’re assuming the armed forces will be doing the entire pop, NJ (by the way it’s nearer 400 than 500). I’m sure a few thousand could speed the process up.
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So does anyone think tier 4 restrictions have helped so far?? Not enough people doing what they should, it seems much more relaxed than the first lockdown. In Spain everyone has to wear a mask in the street. Not here.
Spain’s restrictions haven’t done them much good relatively speaking.

Bringing loads of army out would possibly undo the benefits of them doing their hosing or whatever.
Like I say, viruses spread: there is only so much you can do
Bring in the army!

north London streets are awash with thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, ofillegal immigrants, charging up and down the A1: round the North Circular, looking for Benefits Offices and GPs surgeries.

Their either on the A1 or the streets of N London, Allen. Can’t really be both.

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